Job Coaching
Professional advice from an experienced career counselor to assist you in discovering your career passion. This service provides on Job site training and advocacy, intensive training on specific work tasks, developing effective communication and proper workplace behavior/dress code, acting as a liaison between work supervisors and co-workers and on and off-site support available
Youth Transition Services
Transitioning young people with disabilities from school to the adult world. We focus on employment preparation, social skills building, community integration through work based learning, and life skills experiences.
Job Readiness Training
To provide quality services that will assist individuals in gaining personal, economic self-sufficiency and reach their full potential through education, training, job readiness, community referrals and supportive services. Our curriculum targets on soft skills development, job readiness, and focuses on each of our client’s strengths to prepare them for employment. Positive Reach support long-term stability and success, our training program includes skill-building exercises to help client's learn to make better decisions, within their personal lives and at work.
Employment Placement and Development
Job placement specialists help individuals identify their work preferences, match job skills with current labor market needs,improve interview techniques and develop solid resumes with the goal of successfully placing them in the workforce.
Job Search Plan Includes:
Clarify career goals and develop an understanding of the current job market and requisite skills
Utilize on-site resources to seek employment
Develop resumes, cover letters, thank you notes and references
Schedule practice interviews with professional business representatives
And many more training.